Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Super-sized stupidity

MacDonald's of Australia has decided to hit back at the documentary "Super Size Me" by running commercials on TV pointing out the falsehoods of the movie. For the un-inititated, the premise of the documentary is that after eating at MacDonald's three times a day for 30 days, the director of the film gains 25 pounds and gets sick. Well, as pointed out by MacDonald's of Australia, "Duh". There are millions of people who don't eat at MacDo's as much and they still get sick and gain weight. If you ate a package of Oreo cookies and a quart of Breyer's Ice Cream every night for 30 days, you would gain weight also. Most people don't realize that eating without doing any physical exercise leads to obesity. They seem to think that there is a magic pill that will enable them to loose all the weight that they have gained instantly. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, but since most people are lazy and stupid, they will believe anything that they see coming from Hollywood. How does the saying go? "If it's on TV, it must be true, right?"

Which brings us to the current "Super Sized" idiot of the world, Michael Moore. His new film, Farenheit 9/11 has been given a rating of "R" and the "conscience of America" is not pleased. He would rather have a "PG-13" rating so that 15 and 16-year olds could be exposed to his version of the "truth". As usual, people are saying that the Republicans are behind the "R" rating and the calls of "censorship" are starting to be heard. If the Republican's wanted to sink the film in a heartbeat and protect teenagers from Michael Moore, they should give it a "G" rating. No teenager in his right mind would be seen going to a "G" rated film. "Dude, I saw you last night at that lame film "Farenheit 9/11/." "Yeah, dude, it's a film about how President Bush and the Saudis are in bed together. It's really good. You should see it." "Dude, it's 'G'-rated film. You know what a 'G' rating means? No boobs, no sex, no swearing, no violence. It's as bad as a Disney cartoon. Only my little brothers and sisters go to 'G'-rated films."


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