Saturday, June 12, 2004

I'm sure Israel is worried

Hamas has decided that it will continue terror attacks on Israel after Israel pulls out of the Gaza strip. This should come as no surprise (except maybe to Kofi the Appeaser), but I doubt they will have the success that they have had in the pass. Killing civilians will be much harder once all settlements on the Palistinian side of the wall are removed. I predict, and of course, I'm not the only one, that once the Israelis leave, there will be a power struggle between the various factions. Sharon knows that with the Israelis in Gaza, all the different factions have something common to unite them together. Once the Israelis leave and more importantly, close the border, the Palistinians will have to fend for themselves. After a few weeks/months, when the celebrating is over and everyone realises that "Hey, there are still no jobs", things will fall apart very quickly and the only people dying will be Palistinians. I thought that the Israelis should have pulled out many years ago and let the whole place go to "hell in a hand basket". After a few years of Palistinian-on-Palistinian violence fueled by religion/poverty/crime, maybe they will look a bit differently on the "Zionist" occupiers. Remember, before 1992 when Arafat showed up, most Palistinians had jobs and could work in Israel. 12 years later, how many Palistinians have jobs and work in Israel? Not many. Like President Bush told the Palistinians, they are suffering needlessly because of their leader's actions.


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