Sunday, June 13, 2004

Another European money rat hole

This weekend, the European Union held elections for the European parliment. For the unintiated, the European Parliment is supposed to govern the European Union the way that national parliments govern member countries. The idea is that voters will go to the polls in one country, say France, and vote for a political party, say the Socialists. In the European Parliment, these French Socialists, will unite with their Socialist brethern from the rest of Europe, and do what political parties do in each other their separate countries, except on a European scale. Unfortunately, the European parliment is kind of like the Department of Education in the US, it doesn't do much except spend money and pass resolutions that don't have any real effect on the member countries since there is no European Constitution. About the only thing that European parliment bureaucrats are good for is supporting the prostitutes of Strassbourg and Brussels. And you thought that Congress was a waste of money in America.


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