Wednesday, June 16, 2004

More news you won't read at

This story (link from Instapundit).

While Andrew incessantly hyperventilates about Abu Ghraib, he ignores the reality of Saddam's torture machine. But that's not surprising, since Andrew has all but announced his support for Kerry.

So why do I still read him? Because he is a good writer, and because when he's right, he's really right.

But unfortunately when he's wrong, well, he's really wrong.

UPDATE: I guess Sullivan has announced his support for Kerry. In the words of Gomer Pyle: Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Instapundit has it here, and Allah has a roundup of wickedly funny reactions here.

I probably won't be reading Sullivan much anymore. Not only is he a partisan hack, he's a disingenuous partisan hack.


At 5:44 PM, Blogger The Great El-ahrairah said...

Yes, Abu Ghraib is/was bad, but looking at the big picture, it pales in comparaison of real torture. And at least, the perpetrators of Abu Ghraib are being punished by the US. Saddam's hencemen received atta boys for what they did.


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