Friday, August 06, 2004

Even more news you won't read at

Missouri voters chimed in on the issue of gay marriage, and it wasn't even close.

While some would say that is not unexpected, what is significant is that Missouri is supposedly one of those "swing states" that could vote for John Kerry this fall. The state is not entirely red; the St. Louis area produces some of the most liberal politicians in the nation. Yet 71% of voters supported an amendment to the state constitution banning gay marriage.

A few months ago, I predicted that the gay marriage issue would overshadow all others this fall and produce a Bush victory. The massive backlash has not materialized, partly due to extraordinary restraint on the part of gay activists and their lawyers. I had expected a thousand lawsuits to bloom nationwide by now with some liberal judge somewhere overturning the DOMA and creating chaos. It would appear that the gay lobby understands that would not be in their best political interests right now, and are keeping a low profile on the issue, at least until John Kerry is in the White House.

However, the Missouri vote confirms my contention that gay marriage is wildly unpopular, especially in the heartland. Several states are voting on gay marriage bans this fall. While almost all are Bush strongholds, a couple (Arkansas and Oregon) are swing states. Bush lost Oregon in 2000 by only a few thousand votes. The ballot initiative might produce a large enough evangelical turnout which would help Bush carry the state, and possibly win the election. The gay marriage issue may yet prove to be the big issue in November.


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