Monday, May 24, 2004

Fighting the good fight

Some people believe that there are ulterior motives behind Mitt Romney's stand against gay marriage in Massachusetts, like a run for the Senate or the Presidency, etc. These people may be right, BUT, his stand could be for the simple reason that gay marriage is wrong.

I have said this before but, I will restate it. There are times when an elected offcial needs to reach into his pocket and find "a pair", stand up and say, "<Insert social ill du jour here> is wrong and I will do everything that is in my power to combat <insert favorite social ill here>" even if the polls show that the majority of your constituents are against you. Mitt knows what is right and what is wrong. Gay marriage is wrong, plain and simple, and he has taken a stand against it. It may cost him the guv-nah-ship in Massachusetts, but in the long run, what is more important, kissing up to the Kerrys/Kennedys of the world so that they can backstab you later, or standing up for decency and what is right. I applaud what Mitt is doing in Massachusetts and if he becomes the point man in the debate over same-sex marriage, well, like we say in Utah, he was chosen by the Lord for this very task.


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